#320 – Ridged Headband

It is an established fact that every knit/crochet vendor at a craft fair has their own version of a “twist” headband where there’s a criss-cross in front. I know that might make it feel like we don’t need yet another pattern out there, but hear me out, Mollie is an awesome designer, and you don’t want to miss out on this beauty. Besides, it’s Canada. You can always use more headbands.

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#313 – Dropped Cable Stitch

I’ve always found ‘frogging’ (i.e., the act of undoing knit or crochet stitches) to be a slightly stressful scenario. After all, you’re undoing something that might have taken hours to do, and it can feel bittersweet to take away all that progress, even if you are fixing something. However, when I was introduced to a new cabling technique that involves dropping stitches, I was immediately intrigued!

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