#364 – Mahjong (麻雀)

Despite mahjong being such a traditionally Chinese game, would you believe me if I told you that this Christmas holiday was the first time I had ever played it? My family didn’t have a set of tiles in the home growing up, and I guess we just found different games to play instead. However, since watching Crazy Rich Asians, my Mom has really wanted to teach our family how the game works. This year, we finally borrowed a set of tiles from a family friend, and we were off to the races.

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#338 – Stand-Up Paddleboarding

My friends and I were flipflopping about our weekend plans last week when we stumbled across a rental company in Edmonton for stand-up paddleboards. While I have tried paddleboarding before, it’s been a long time, so I was excited to do it again, especially since it’s skyrocketed in popularity lately. It turns out that there are lots of great spots to do it in Edmonton and the surrounding areas.

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#292 – Hiking

(As a disclaimer, I signed up for two big test knit/crochet projects over the month of August, so I’ll be posting a lot of non-craft related things as I tackle them.)
I’ve been lucky enough to have friends who have pushed me to enjoy more of the natural beauty of Canada, which has resulted in more time spent hiking over the last few years. Since I live (relatively) close to the Rocky Mountains, it’s a great way to spend a weekend!

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#291 – Swimming

(As a disclaimer, I signed up for two big test knit/crochet projects over the month of August, so I’ll be posting a lot of non-craft related things as I tackle them.)
After an eleven year hiatus, I finally dove back into the world of summer swimming, and it’s been an absolute blast. With the world still figuring out what is reasonable for COVID-19 precautions, it was nice to be able to hop in the pool and focus on the exercise.

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#287 – Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

This is another post where I want to start off with a quick disclaimer that I am not good at this sport, but I do enjoy it. I first gave Brazilian jiu-jitsu a try when I was visiting my brother in Vancouver, and in pre-COVID times, I had trained on and off in Edmonton as well. This past weekend I had the chance to roll again for the first time in over a year, and it felt really, really nice.

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