#355 – Needle Felted Eyes

Big deal alert: I finally took the plunge and needle felted something. I’ve had the tool for two years now, and only ever really used it for a few yarn joins here and there. Before I sent off the lamb lovey, I decided that it needed a face after all. As a quick summary, it was way easier than I thought it would be, but I definitely need more practice to make it look less creepy.

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#354 – Lamb Lovey

With the leftover yarn from the Chicken Hat, I knew I would have to make something super fluffy. There is a local maker who specializes in making loveys (a snuggly stuffed animal and blanket hybrid), and families absolutely adore her stall at markets. Seeing her finished products inspired me to give loveys a try, with my own spin of course. Since my yarn is white, I thought a lamb would be a safe choice.

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#351 – Vine Socks

In my mind, socks are the perfect travel project. They’re easy to pack into a purse, they work up quick, and they’re a functional project once you’re done! Besides, trips always have a surprising amount of downtime, such as when you’re sitting in the airport or bus station, or waiting in line to get where you want, and having a little knitting project makes time fly by. For my most recent trip, I decided to finally tackle this project that has been in my Ravelry queue for a while.

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