Review #10 – Blown Yarns

I don’t know how much you know about how to make yarn, but it typically involves spinning (or twisting) strands of fibre together. As an aside, I’ve always wanted to learn more about spinning, but that’s a project for another day. This week, I was shocked to learn about a new type of yarn that doesn’t involve any spinning. It’s called ‘blown yarn’ and it involves blowing fibre into a narrow mesh tube.

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#385 – Rug Weaving

I have been dying to do a workshop at Fern’s School of Craft since they opened in 2017, and I was finally able to snag a spot in their rug weaving workshop. It was everything I was hoping it would be, and it made my heart so full. I want to apologize ahead of time for all of the weaving terminology and attempts at explanation in this post, but I’m just really ecstatic about this whole form of crafting.

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