#385 – Rug Weaving

I have been dying to do a workshop at Fern’s School of Craft since they opened in 2017, and I was finally able to snag a spot in their rug weaving workshop. It was everything I was hoping it would be, and it made my heart so full. I want to apologize ahead of time for all of the weaving terminology and attempts at explanation in this post, but I’m just really ecstatic about this whole form of crafting.

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#325 – Pysanky

The traditional Polish-Ukrainian method of Easter egg decorationis called pysanky! (For reference, pysanky is plural, pysanka is for the singular). The first time I tried it, I was in elementary school, and I was instantly fascinated by the way the layered dyes and wax process worked. When I saw there was a workshop in town this year, I jumped at the chance to try again.

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